This picture is a collage I produced as an astronomy treasure hunt. Of course, the main image is Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. I buried dozens of modern astroimages, some of which are my own. The final product was used by an online publication for high school students, and I was awarded the APOD (astronomy picture of the day) from NASA on June 15, 2010.
Those of you who visited my old website realize that I've done very little astroimaging in recent years. I still get out for interesting events such as flyovers by the International Space Station, lunar and planetary conjuctions, and the occasional comet. A medical condition has made my hands very sensitive to cold, and out of self-preservation I rarely go out at night. Hopefully, there will be time in the not-too-distant future to build an observatory so I can observe and image in relative comfort. One of my goals for our retirement years is to have a place for local students to observe the night sky and learn imaging and processing techniques.
Star trails.
Mars Curiosity rover and friends